Saturday, January 28, 2012

The use of igoogle

The technology I choose to study this week is igoogle. I wanted to study this piece because I have heard of people using it to set up their classrooms with their students and to be honest I was very curious. After playing around with in class I think by the use of this technology in the classroom could be endless possibilities. But first, I have come to conclusion that there are pros and cons to this technology. A pro about this piece is that this website is what you as a teacher chooses to make it. This website could be an agenda for students to use as a resource in class or as a resource to provide for the students to use as home, as the book calls it, an outer space. The book defines this as including contents and tools the user finds interesting or useful on a more general basis or for infrequent use. I also think a pro of this technology is something the book points out which they consider personal space. This includes the use of content and tools that will be personally useful for school or work nearly every day. I find this to be a pro because this would be great if every student could have their own laptop for a school day because you can do some many activities through this website.  I was able to play around with the gadgets on this website and there was a gadget for almost anything you can think of. Which is great variety of teaching in the classroom, there was at least 3 gadgets for every subject taught in the classroom today. But the con I find to this website is the fact that most schools do not have the option to give each student a laptop. I feel like this site would be best utilized this way and unfortunately the school districts do not have this option.

                I think for students to be able to use this website a teacher would have to teach the students a couple of things. The skills that the students would need to be able to be involved in this website are the skills to be able to type, search online, and to be open minded and creative. Learning this website is something I do not foresee students having problems with in today’s society since the internet is such a daily activity any more but if students did struggle, as long as they had a knowledgeable teacher I think everything would go along smoothly. Another thing that the a teacher would have a huge part in with using this website would be that the teacher would have to adapt their teaching style and lesson plans around this lesson if they choose to use it actively. I feel that lesson plans would have to involve around the use of the website as formative assessment. This means that the teacher would really have to pay attention to the class while they are on the computer in order to make sure they are not getting side tracked. I think the best way to make sure that students are on task is for the teacher to be able to block certain websites from them that way they cannot be socializing through facebook as an example. I also believe that students would be best utilizing this website by having them write or reflect on their learning’s instead of having them take a test on the computer through the site. But that is just my style of teaching. But by having the students write out their findings that will creative creativity within the classroom through the use of words and expression. But also teachers could use this website to redo their whole classroom and creative creativity by having the students develop a YouTube video, but it on their igoogle, and then share with the class as a project! Just imagine the possibilities. This website will also allow students to develop computer skills that will help them later in life with their future jobs because if you think about it every job in today’s society involves the computer even fast food.  

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Word of the Day: Curiosity

While browsing through Flickr before writing this blog I found a quote from William A. Word that said “Curiosity is the wick of learning”. I believe that curiosity is the wick of all learning. Without curiosity why would you want to learn? I also believe that technology provokes curiosity in learning academically and socially which then technology can also assist the students to explore their curiosity. I know that sentence is full of the word curiosity but allow me to break it down for you.

                “Technology provokes curiosity…” this is the first bit of that crazy sentence that holds very relevant information to understanding my concept of thinking. Technology is new and an exciting part of our thriving culture. Technology draws the attention of children without a lot of work. Therefore representing that children just want to explore and play with technology, all types of technology. But the main piece of technology that I think really catches children’s attention is the computer. There are numerous things that children can do on this one piece of technology. Just like Mimi Ito says in her video students are constantly on the computer socializing and some are even exploring some topics educational without the push from a parent or a teacher. So what should this say to us as soon to be educators? Well I think it screams “USE THE COMPUTER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WITHIN YOUR CLASSROOM!!!!!” This leads me to the second half of that sentence.

                The next part of that science “….academically and socially which then technology can also assist the students to explore their curiosity.”  I think this was the message that Mimi Ito was getting at in her video. Students use technology constantly. Whether they are using it for socialization such a blogging, or in the form of “geeking out” students are constantly involved with the computer. So why not use this to motivate students in the classroom. As teachers let’s combine the use of socialization and geeking out on the computer as a way to motivate and explore the student’s curiosity. For example, since they are so interested in the socialization aspect on the computer you could have them research the development of socialization sites (ie: facebook) and then have them develop a youtube video on its history (ie: the “geeking out” part). By having the students do this simple assignment, you have already touched on the subject of history. Just imagine what other subjects you could integrate into this lesson to make it much more dynamic. The use of technology is endless in the classroom, and teachers, we need to wake up smell the coffee and learn how to incorporate this into more everyday use in our lessons. This is just one explain of what people and students can learn through technology.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paging Positivity....Paging Positivity

The power of positive thinking and learning has officially “left the building” so to speak. I believe that the lack of positivity within the classroom has disappeared which is why so many students say that they “hate school” when realistically I think that they just hate the boring structure and the fact that they know most of their teachers hate their jobs. Well those characteristics that the students see in teachers, those are all characteristics I do not posses. I am fun, outgoing, responsible, passionate, and loving. Those are the characteristics that teachers should posses and I think those are the characteristics are what have really driven me to become a teacher. I want to make a difference in people’s lives, and when I reflect back upon who has made a true different in my life my favorite teacher always comes to mind.
I had this one teacher in high school (who as a side note graduated from Moravian) who was so much fun in the classroom, truly loved teaching, and actually cared about us really learning something an applying to real life situations. She had all the characteristics I think I contain and she made a difference in my life and I would imagine many other students’ lives.

So here is a shout out to you Ms. Maurer (well she is married now but I do not know her married name.) She is the reason I have chosen to not listen to what other people have to say and think about teaching because when you are as passionate as I am about making a difference, nothing can stop you. She is also the reason why I am motivated to bring back the power of positive thinking and learning within the classroom because I have seen her do it and I know it is possible. She has influenced my life and my decision to become a powerful and passionate teacher. If I can be half of the teacher she is and make half of the difference that she made in my life in other students life I will consider my career in teaching a success.